Monday, September 6, 2010

25 Indispensable Blog Tips

Blogs are no longer solely the domain of people who want to get a message into cyberspace. Blogs are increasingly used as tools for sites to increase revenue through boosting search engine optimisation. Indeed, most SEO specialists will advise companies on the web to include a blog on their site to increase link building potential and allow for continuous introduction of news content - something that search engines require in a good site these days. In short, blogs are now a major part of website optimisation. So, having asserted that a great many sites are including blogs on their pages for commercial benefit, are we saying that there's a marked increase of poor quality text on the web? Well yes. You don't need to spend too long browsing the web to find yourself reading a blog and wondering how anyone could have thought the text worthy of inclusion. With this in mind, we've compiled a list of 25 blog tips to help you avoid falling into the trap of bad blogging and get your site onto those all-important search engine results pages.
1. Logo Get a logo. This is useful for readers to recognise your blog and will encourage them to return.
2. Blog Profile Add a profile to your blog. Put a face and a personality to the name if you want to build a more personal relationship with readers.
3. Use Comments Don't ignore comments. Show that you're involved enough to care what people think by responding to comments sensibly and often. Show that you appreciate the feedback.
4. Be Consistent Choose a tone and be consistent. Decide at the outset what tone you want your blog to have. Choose an appropriate one that suits the target audience and the product or service you're promoting. Remain consistent because readers will expect it and get suspicious if you don't.
5. Write Properly Follow the conventions of grammar and punctuation if you want to make a good impression. Not doing so can be fatal.
6. Use Headings Use headings where it's appropriate to do so. Try to make them interesting with a view to holding people's attention.
7. Keep it Simple One post, one topic. Trying to cover too many things in one blog post can be confusing. Given the form, it's appropriate to stick to one topic per post, and not to get sidetracked.
8. Short Paragraphs Keep the paragraphs short. Long paragraphs tend to put readers off. If a piece is long then put it into smaller paragraphs to make them more appealing.
9. Organise Categorise posts to make them easy for users to find.
10. Tag Tag posts for the best results.
11. Be Unique Don't use a default layout. Using a default layout sends an instant message to readers that you don't care enough about your blog to put effort into the way it looks. You'll repel visitors before they read the first word!
12. Get Good Advice Employ a designer to make it look great and sound convincing, and a search engine optimisation company to help you get the most out of blog potential.
13. Make it Special If you do something unique then readers are likely to remember you and come back for more.
14. Speed is Important Get a fast host as readers don't like waiting a long time for pages to load.
15. Purchase Your Own Domain Hosting your blog outside your main site runs contrary to advice from SEO specialists. Having your own domain will tell readers that it's a serious blog and probably worthy of attention.
16. Moderate Comments Readers don't like to look at a lot of spam or trolls. Use blog software that makes it easy to moderate comments and don't be lazy about doing it.
17. Employ URLS Find the setting for this on your blog software and activate it.
18. Update Regularly Keep to a schedule so that interested readers aren't disenfranchised.
19. Link to Your Own Blog Any free SEO analysis would tell you that this is good practice.
20. Bookmark Make bookmarking your blog easy to do. This will encourage ease of access via Facebook and other popular sites.
21. Network Join a network like to improve exposure.
22. Make Use of Snippets These re-usable pieces of source code can assist you.
23. Stay Up to Date Update blog software often to take advantage of developments and stay fresh.
24. Back up Be sure to back up your database. Do this often to avoid losing your material.
25. Remember The Content Our final point is crucial. Don't forget that your blog has to be readable!

About the Author

The Article is written by providing Website Optimization and Search Engine OptimisationServices. Visit for more information on & Services


Sunday, September 5, 2010



Everybody  wants free traffic.You may have taken the trouble  set up a blog with great content but discovered that no one is visiting your blog,so  you might think what's the use of it.So, you need atleast a decent amount of traffic .
Here is a  list of 6 Free ways to get traffic to your blog.

1.SEARCH ENGINE: Search engines have the potential to get tons of traffic  to your blog.There are millions of people who search in  popular  search engines like Google,Yahoo,msn everyday.So,if your blog has so many good posts and is well indexed by google, will get a good amount of traffic via search engines.There are a few steps to look at if you want a decent amount of traffic from the search engines like search engine optimization , etc . You need to submit your site to major search engines .

2.Submitting your blog to Blog Directories:You may have heard  this before . Submitting your blog to various blog directories will bring you a good amount of free  traffic.

3.Participate in forums,groups,etc:Just go to google and enter your [major keyword + fourm] or [keyword+groups] and search.Suppose,your blog is about fashion , search on google for fashion forum .You will find some forums,groups related to your niche.Register in the forums and post articles,etc with a link back to your blog.Answer questions,clarify doubts , basically help people out and provide a link to your blog.But Dont SPAM.

4.Social Bookmarking:Social Bookmarking is another way to build good traffic to your website/blog.Bookmarking means saving a specific website url(address) in your browser that you wish to visit later.There are so many Social Bookmarking sites,digg,furl,technorati etc .
One good thing about these Social bookmarking sites is,you will get instant traffic.Just register with them,store your bookmarks,tags,.. and you are done,See your site meter blasting with  load upon load of traffic.

5.Submit Articles to Article Directories:Submitting articles to article directories is another effective way to build more traffic.By submitting to them,your articles get massive exposure and gain you more traffic as more people get to see your content .
Some of the popular article directories are,,,etc.
There are hundreds of article directories,just google it.

6.Leaving Comments on other blogs:Leaving comments with a link back to your blog is another good thing to do.Leaving comments in the related blogs is more useful and it also increases your pagerank.Always leave good comments and don't Spam(by placing links like'click here' like that) . Dont comment stuff like i like this post , the comment is likely to be deleted . Instead , provide thoughtful and specific comments . 

I hope you have found this information useful . Please leave your feedback in the comments section .
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